Limp Wrist

Limp Wrist é uma banda de queercore formada em 1998. Com integrantes de bandas de várias partes dos EUA, o grupo toca um hardcore sujo e cru, acompanhado de letras que abordam o preconceito, cidadania, sexo e outros temas ligados a comunidade LGBT. Martin Sorrondeguy, vocalista e frontman da banda, é uma lenda da cena punk norte americana, e conhecido por suas performances enérgicas ao vivo.

Complete Discography (2004)

1 - What's Up With The Kids
2 - Stabbed In The Back
3 - Punk Ass Queers
4 - Rainbows
5 - Recruiting Time
6 - Define
7 - I Love Hardcore Boys, I Love Boys Hardcore
8 - Secrets
9 - Cruisin' At The Show
10 - Smear The Fear
11 - You Ain't That Fierce
12 - Back In The Days
13 - Relatives Got Nerve
14 - Cheap Art
15 - Limp Wrist
16 - Limp Wrist Vs. Dr. Laura
17 - This Ain't No Cross On My Hand
18 - Brotherhood
19 - Thanks
20 - We Started This Band To Get Dates
21 - OD'd On Pop
22 - Give Me A Fuckin' Break
23 - Man To Man
24 - No Choice
25 - Twelve Years Of Church
26 - A Message To The President
27 - Angry Queen
28 - The Ode
29 - Complex
30 - Does Your Daddy Know?
31  - This Ain't No Cross On My Hand
32 - Limp Wrist
33 - I Love Hardcore Boys, I Love Boys Hardcore
34 - Recruiting Time
35 - Stabbed In The Back
36 - Thanks
37 - Brotherhood
38 - Secrets
39 - Define
40 - Cheap Art
41 - No Choice

Want Us Dead EP (2006)

1 - Just Like You
2 - What's Gone Wrong?
3 - Fake Fags
4 - Want Us Dead

Limp Wrist EP (2008)

1 - To The Grave
2 - Bought Out
3 - Dead Weight
4 - Collapse
5 - Spun
6 - Knuckles
7 - S.T.A.

Facades (2017)

1- Facades
2 - Thick Skin
3 - Wrap Yourselves in Me
4 - They Tell Me
5 - Square One
6 - Como Vos
7 - A Little Nervous
8 - Don't Want You
9 - In My Mind
10 - Dead Artist
11 - Systems in Place


  1. any chance of a Slapshot discography post? I can't find decent quality versions of all their releases elsewhere


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